My pregnancy, birth, and postpartum experiences all came with their own unique struggles but also with incredible gifts and lessons. While pregnant I found myself researching and learning about the changes that have happened already within my body and the ones that were yet to come. I was fascinated. I was also shocked by many of the stories that I read from birthing people and the pain they endured at the hands of the medical industrial complex. I began to take a keen interest in all thing’s pregnancy, birth and postpartum and pondered how I might be an advocate in these spaces.
When my son was born, we spent over two months with him in the hospital, nearly losing him. The experience of having a high-risk pregnancy followed by a medically complex child brought with it the hardest and loneliest emotions I have felt in my life. I remember sitting on the couch in his NICU room wondering how I could support others who are experiencing something similar, then I heard "Doula" come to me. I knew in that moment that birth work was my path.
I reside in Tacoma, and I am happy to serve from Olympia, Bremerton, Bonney Lake to South Seattle.
Becoming a mother cultivated a shift within me that changed the trajectory of my life…..

Prenatal and birth support to have a meaningful and positive pregnancy and birth
Tailored post-partum support for all families
Care and compassion in clinic and beyond